
Res digs into her laptop and reveals “Natural Disaster” a song that she says on her Twitter timeline that has been “unheard for too long.” She sings about a state of heartbreak with Carribean horns, snare drums and a resolve to survive. Related posts: Res-Reset Interview With Reelblack TVContinue Reading


[youtube id=”1a8eX85rAS0″] Reelblack interviews Res and she talks about the journey to her Reset album and the Indiegogo campaign to finance it. The Reset campaign is still active and will end April 15th. Related posts: The Res Documentary (Trailer) Res-Dreams Res-The Chain Afropunk Announces Afropunk ParisContinue Reading


  Res is currently hosting her Indiegogo campaign for her upcoming Reset album but has launched another effort to share new music with her fans on a weekly basis. Reset Mondays will unveil a new song at the beginning of the week until the release of the new album. “RiskContinue Reading

Share Res releases her new single, “Hollow” and starts her Indiegogo campaign for her Reset album. The last time we heard from Res she released Refried Mac, her brilliant EP of cover songs in tribute to Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac. That project came on the heels of her 2011Continue Reading
