Mark de Clive-Lowe Remixes Charlie Parker With Strings

Mark de Clive-Lowe takes two songs from Charlie Parker’s famous Strings project and remixes them with a 21st-century feel. The bebop creator fulfilled a creative dream in 1950 when producer Norman Granz arranged for Parker to record with a string section. Charlie Parker With Strings was released as two separate recordings of standards, and those albums were Parker’s most commercially successful releases. Mark de Clive-Lowe reconfigures “Temptation” with a beat that slaps and subtle piano. Parker’s “Repetition” is re-tooled with a snappy broken beat and a lot of energy. The infusion of a hip-hop and dance music aesthetic into Parker’s tunes is in the spirit of bebop, which was new and innovative in its time. Charlie Parker With Strings Remixed is available via Bandcamp.