Macy Gray The Today Show

Was Macy Gray being transphobic or misunderstood when she made her first comments about transgender people on the Piers Morgan show?    Is Chris Brown right that Brittney Griner would receive more support for her alleged drug smuggling case in Russia if she were a male athlete?  Related posts: MediaContinue Reading


[youtube id=”EQ0l_m3Xm0″]Macy Gray’s “I Try” took her unique raspy voice to the world. The second single from her debut album On How Life Is introduced Gray as a quirky new pop star. She sang about pining for a lover with a fearless vulnerability that quickly endeared her to a criticalContinue Reading


[youtube id=”FuEt5aibpn0″] Marcus Miller’s 2005 Silver Rain album was influenced by a Bob Marley show he saw and a Langston Hughes poem, “In Time Of Silver Rain.” Those creative references were not the only ones as he covered songs by Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix and Duke Ellington. Miller’s experience with PrinceContinue Reading
