
[youtube id=”xrSHeh5VRHI”]Locksmith attacks police aggression with a passionate video directed by Jesse Ray Diamond. The terror of those officers who abuse their uniforms is demonstrated when Locksmith becomes a car accident victim and finds himself facing a menacing confrontation between citizens and a S.W.A.T. team. Locksmith’s Ali from 2018 followedContinue Reading


Locksmith and Apollo Brown’s No Question album is everything fans have come to expect from the California rapper and Detroit producer. No Question is thoughtful and full of vintage drums within eight songs that took less than a week to create. Apollo Brown and Locksmith spoke to Billboard about theContinue Reading


Locksmith and Apollo Brown share their new song “Litmus” in anticipation of their of No Question album. It is a pared down combination of only Brown’s beat and Locksmith’s words, which Brown explains:  “On “Litmus,” Lock just went off. He wanted a beat for this joint that didn’t have a lotContinue Reading
