
30 Americans One Nation, Thirty Experiences, is a collection of contemporary African-American art from The Rubell Family Collection currently being shown at the Detroit Institute Of Arts. Thirty of the most relevant African-American artists use humor, social commentary, beauty and history to question and re-formulate notions of identity. Whether it’sContinue Reading


Yasiin Bey’s “Basquiat Ghostwriter” is a song inspired by the late Jean-Michel Basquiat and his band Grey ands it is a statement about all the injustice at the core of the Black Lives Matter movement around the country now. The music itself comes from Basquiat’s Gray band and Bey breaksContinue Reading


[youtube]02_wBf2UdhU[/youtube] Tamra Davis, who’d become friends with the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, filmed a 20 minute interview with him back in 1986. The interview is the focal point of The Radiant Child, an 88 minute film she did about his life. Basquiat’s childhood introduction to art by his mother, his teenagedContinue Reading
