iLoveMakkonnen: Love Featuring Rae Sremmurd Official Video

[youtube id=”lxo3xSRctb4″] iLoveMakkonnen and Rae Sremmurd have worked together on the MikeWillMadeIt produced “Love.” The pop song is different from their usual output and Motion Family-directed video is the three of them hanging out on the beach from day to night.”Love” is from iLoveMakkonnen’s forthcoming album on Warner Brothers.


ILOVEMAKKONEN posted  the single “Sometimes” today as a thank you to his fans for all their support and to commemorate his 26th year on the planet ending as he approaches his 27th birthday tomorrow. The Atlanta rapper just released his Drink More Water 6 mixtape and will be on tour next week.

ILOVEMAKONNEN-Back Again Official Video

[youtube id=”2rtrRDr1tkQ”] ILOVEMAKONNEN released the 6th installment of his Drink More Water mixtape series two weeks ago.”Back Again” is the opening song on the tape and the video features ILOVEMAKONNEN taking a car ride through the fog.


[youtube id=”V2ixrcb5_KQ”] ILOVEMAKONNEN defends his lifestyle and lets the camera capture him and his friends enjoying the luxury of leisure time in his “Live For Real” video. He also shows David Bowie love by wearing a t-shirt with his face on it. His Drink More Water 6 mixtape comes out Friday.