Hero The Band Connects With Trinidad James & Childish Majors For God’s Today (Official Video)
[youtube id=”FcIYe7GMTDE”]Heroshima in 2017 and the video for “Mad” came out earlier this year. “God’s Today” is their newest single.
[youtube id=”FcIYe7GMTDE”]Heroshima in 2017 and the video for “Mad” came out earlier this year. “God’s Today” is their newest single.
Hero The Band has released their new album Heroshima in time for the holiday season. The prelude to the album came in the form of their video for “The Thrill.” Heroshima is their sophomore project which follows their 2015 debut Bleach. Their carefree rock floats on open-air sounding arrangements supported by the full strength of a guitar-oriented band. Heroshima is streaming and can be purchased from the usual retail outlets.
[youtube id=”XbZnGFI1Evo”] Atlanta-based Hero The Band play behind shadows in their video for “The Thrill.” The song is a new single and their latest release since the emergence of their 2016 debut album Bleach. If you’re in their area around Halloween they are having another mansion party and you can see the details at their site.
[youtube id=”0whS1KreEq0″] Hero The Band takes to the beach in the video for “Broken Glass” from their Bleach debut album. The Atlanta brothers make a presence outdoors as they perform the song about a shaky relationship. Their amiable sound is somewhere between the Yacht and Garage Rock families.