
Watch Dr. Lalah Hathaway reinvigorate her father’s “This Christmas” as a duet. Donny Hathaway’s iconic holiday song had an unreleased recording and Lalah’s voice blends with it as if they were together in real time. Her smoky resonance is a welcomed harmonious layer to Donny Hathaway’s upbeat soul celebration. HathawayContinue Reading


[youtube id=”VcMWUArO8ak”] Donny Hathaway wrote “This Christmas” with Nadine McKinnor hoping to create the ultimate Xmas song for African-Americans. “This Christmas” wasn’t received well after its initial release in 1970 but by the ’80s it was customary to hear it on Black radio around holiday time. Listeners knew when they heardContinue Reading


Tall Black Guy remixes Donny Hathaway’s “This Christmas” and renames the Sleigh Bell edit “For You This Christmas.” The fullness of the original version is gone and TBG makes Hathaway sound like he’s singing from a radio plugged into the afterlife. TBG just released his sophomore album, Let’s Take AContinue Reading


Will Don Cheadle receive an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Miles Davis in Miles Ahead? Why weren’t equipment issues solved so that The Roots and Bilal could perform for the David Bowie tribute at Carnegie Hall? Did Lala Hathaway really disrespect the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity byContinue Reading
