
[youtube id=”KWs5TTn19qk”] This is the first official trailer for Nate Parker’s The Birth Of A Nation. Parker, who produced and directed the movie, also stars as Nat Turner who led a slave rebellion in Virginia in 1831 that left up to 65 white people dead. Parker’s film debuted earlier this yearContinue Reading


[youtube id=”ezWiUTXB11A”] Nate Parker’s Birth Of A Nation, about the American slave rebellion led by Nat Turner, has become one of the most anticipated films of the year. Parker helped finance the movie, produced, wrote, directed and stars in the film that has an October release. He deliberately titled theContinue Reading


[youtube id=”BbItFJJPPmA”]  Is Joseph Fiennes, a white actor, the best choice for the role of  Michael Jackson in the British TV show “Elizabeth, Michael & Marlon?” Will Nate Parker’s Birth Of A Nation, about Nat Turner’s slave rebellion, reach mainstream audiences now that Fox Searchlight made it the most expensively-purchasedContinue Reading
