
  A series of snippets of conversations between Big Freedia and Roxane Gay, Erika Alexander and comedian Brian Babylon,  Gabourey Sidibe and Ohio State Senator, Nina Turner and political commentators Jehmu Greene and Shermichael Singleton regarding issues affecting the Black community before the election are available on social media platforms Facebook,Continue Reading


[youtube id=”9ZMaFkgFAZE”] Big Freedia and Mannie Fresh narrate a party of moving bodies in the club during the video shoot for “Dive.” Big Freedia Bounces Back airs on Tuesdays at 10 PM ET and Freedia is currently touring the United States. Related posts: Big Freedia Bounces Back Has A NewContinue Reading


Big Freedia has joined with Emoji Fame to release her line of custom emojis. There are 64 stickers to choose from including bouncing butts, Big Freedia’s sayings and the artist herself. The emojis are exclusively for the iPhone and for those fans who follow Big Freedia on social media sheContinue Reading
