RJ’s Latest Arrival Returns With One Step At A Time Featuring Slum Village

RJs Latest Arrival




RJ’s Latest Arrival has returned with new music after more than three decades with the single “One Step At A Time” featuring Slum Village. The group took its former funk and R&B sound and swapped out the funk for hip-hop. “One Step At A Time” has all the polish of perfectly executed ballroom dancing and car cruising with the added texture of Slum Village’s words. DeDe Leitta still has the same effortless control over her silky vocals as her delivery in the ’80s. The single is the true definition of coming full circle because RJ Rice’s Barak Records worked with Slum Village back in the ’90s. Today they have reconnected for the next era of two classic Detroit groups.  RJ Rice and Leitta conveyed their excitement to be working artists again in a press release.

“It’s a great change to get from behind the desk, working with so many artists, to now create music for ourselves.” – RJ Rice
“I’m so excited with the new direction our music is taking, it’s fun to sing!” – DeDe Leitta

RJ’s Latest Arrival was reintroduced to the public earlier this year when their hit “Shackles” was heard on STARZ’s BMF series. Their sophomore Harmony album was also remastered and re-released under  Shackles. Listen to “One Step At A Time” and hear the rebirth of the beloved group as they reclaim ownership of their creativity. 

