Vanessa Williams’s cover of The Isley Brothers’ “Work To Do” was the fifth single from her sophomore album The Comfort Zone. Williams’s conviction made her version a motivator for many of her women listeners. They were able to relate to the message of striking a balance between career work and home obligations. Rapper Dres of Black Sheep added his verses which offered the perspective of Williams’ partner who respectfully waits for her to come home after completing her job. The video for “Work To Do” had some of the best choreography featured in all of Williams’s visuals. There was no doubt that she made The Isleys proud with her passionate rendition of their 1972 song by making it a Top 5 hit in 1992 without losing any of the soul from the original. The Comfort Zone received five Grammy nominations and has gone down as one of the must-have albums from the ’90s. Williams’s videos for “Save The Best For Last,” “The Sweetest Day” and “Dreamin'” have been newly remastered.