Queen Sugar Returns With Season 4 June 12

Queen Sugar Directors Photo Caption (l-r): Top Row: Cheryl Dunye, Bola Ogun, Tchaiko Omawale Bottom row (l-r): Carmen Marrón, Heidi Saman, Numa Perrier

Queen Sugar returns to the OWN network on Wednesday, June 12th at 9 PM ET. The fourth season will host an all-woman crew of directors again including Cheryl Dunye, Carmen Marrôn, Numa Perrier, Heidi Saman, Bola Ogun and Tchaiko Omawale. The new season will also add actors Erica Tazel, Kendall Clark and Walter Perez to the cast. The drama centered around the Bordelon family set in Louisiana was recently named Television Show Of The Year by the African American Film Critics Association. Viewers can catch up on season three of Queen Sugar by streaming it on the Hulu platform.  
