Phony Ppl Drop New Single Way Too Far Announce New Album


Phony Ppl’s new single “Way Too Far” dives into the subject of doing too much for a lover and losing your own peace in the process. Frontman Elbee Thrie explains,

“This song captures that eureka moment: realizing that you’ve been going way over the top for a while now just to make sure somebody else remains content.. and sustaining that feeling for them is draining the life out of you. you may not know what it is yet, but something’s definitely gotta change.”

The dreamy tune comes with the announcement of the quintet’s next album,  mō’zā-ik which has a release date of October 19th. It’s been three years since the Brooklyn band emerged with their debut album, Yesterday’s Tomorrow. “Way Too Far” is the second song to be heard from the new album, last month they released the video for “Before You Get A Boyfriend.” 

[youtube id=”cBIthHtM7_U”]
