ProbCause Animation Puts Wu-Tang Clan And Bill Murray In A Battle With Martin Shkreli

[youtube id=”gcmsB_7BNJw”] Chicago rapper ProbCause is also a graphic designer and animator. Once Upon A Time In Shaolin is his latest animation project and the title and storyline is from the recent purchase of the Wu-Tang Clan’s one of a kind album by former pharmaceutical executive Martin Shkreli. The group sold the album to Shkreli for $2 million dollars, but there was a clause in the contract allowing the Wu-Tang Clan or famous actor Bill Murray to steal the recording, which would give back full ownership of the album to the Wu. Shkreli made the news a couple of weeks ago, for raising the price of a drug used by A.I.D.s patients and he’s in the headlines again for securities fraud charges. Because of his current arrest, it is possible that Once Upon A Time In Shaolin may be taken by the Feds. ProbCause also added Donald Trump to the animation because of the skit from Method Man’s Tical 2000: Judgement Day album.