Interview With Rapology Trivia App Co- Creator Brian Hamilton
Rapology is a new phone app created by entrepreneurs and longtime hip-hop fans Brian Hamilton and Scott Bruno. The app is a trivia game of questions about rap music from all eras and regions. Users can even submit their own questions to possibly be added to the application. High score players can even have pop quizzes and final exams.Rapology will also offer exclusive content from the artists and they have started with an interview with Brooklyn producer Marco Polo. Brian Hamilton talks about how he and Bruno came up with the application and future plans for the game.
The vision of our app is to connect all audiences/fans of hip hop, whether it be from the current teen generation of hip hop fans to the old school generation of fans that have been on board with hip hop since birth
What was the original idea for Rapology?
To have the most authentic, all encompassing, unbiased hip hop trivia app on the market that can educate the hip hop community on facts they should know while also introducing artists that they might not otherwise hear about. We spotlight a very limited amount of artists right now in our Pop Quizzes and Final Exams because the average hip hop blog covers so much in a day that it’s very easy to overlook something special or stand out. Our app gives users the opportunity to learn much more about their favorite artists than a typical interview and stream or download music that the music is offered directly from their phone or ipad.
How did you choose the questions?
We wanted to cover as much as possible from every era so we spent a lot of time researching artists, watching artist interviews, documentaries, looking at liner notes of releases, talking directly with artists. Aside from that my partner Scott and I have been huge hip hop heads for over 20+ years each so we are pretty knowledgeable or at least we thought we were before we wrote over 3,000 questions.
When and how do you decide to add a user’s submitted question?
We decided at the last minute before the launch of the app to add that feature because only so much can come from us and we would really like to get more coverage on areas or sub genres within hip hop that we might otherwise not find ourselves. We felt this would be a fun feature and would help build a sense of community within Rapology as we give credit to the players if there question is added to the app.
You’ve launched the app with Marco Polo, can you give the names of any other potential artists who will submit music?
We have had some other artists as well. Pell and J Zone were available in the pre launch. St. Louis’ Ooops and his new EP are available in the app now and we are in talks already with artists and a potential big media partner that would be able to bring us many more artists as well.
Is the vision for Rapology to eventually have its own music compilation?
No. The vision of our app is to connect all audiences/fans of hip hop, whether it be from the current teen generation of hip hop fans to the old school generation of fans that have been on board with hip hop since birth. Too often I hear from hip hop heads “I like the old classic stuff but the music coming out now a days is wack” or vice versa “I like the hip hop of today but that old stuff is garbage” or some variation of that. There’s one thing in common with those two different fans. They all love hip hop. Our app gives the users the opportunity to learn more about the hip hop they love but also learn even more about the hip hop that the other generations fell in love with or that their peers like that might not otherwise be introduced to. We also make sure we have a wide range of answer options so that even if say for instance Double X Posse isn’t the correct answer a player will see that and wonder “who is Double X Posse” and search on their own.