The Devastating Tito and Master OC started out as The Houserockers Crew before adding Krazy Eddie, The Great Peso, DLB and Mighty Mike to become The Fearless Four. The Harlem natives are responsible for using the second most-popular Kraftwerk sample in hip-hop (The Man Machine) to create their 1981 principle B-boy jam “Rockin’ It.” The song was featured on the “Wild Style” soundtrack and earned the group status as one of the early keepers of the B-boy sound standard. The follow-up song, “It’s Magic” was a catalyst for their contract with Elektra making them the first hip-hop group to get a deal with a major label. Their usual run of party songs was interrupted by the socially aware “Problems Of The World” collaboration with Kurtis Blow. “Just Rock,” “It’s Magic” and “Got To Turn Out” were some of the last songs of the era before complex rhymes and booming bass would change the sound of hip-hop. The Fearless Four’s Creepin On Ya’ from 1994 is their lone full-length album.