Originally titled as “Tao Te Ching” from Detroit producer Apollo Brown’s recently released instrumental album Clouds, Oddisee jumps on the track delivering a remix vocal version now entitled “The Times.”
In “The Times,” Oddisee ,who is half-Sudanese (on his father’s side), passionately relates “The Times” to Southern Sudan’s recent vote to split and form a new nation.
Oddisee on the track: “Something about the mood of the beat finally made me put to words how I felt about the situation in north Africa & specifically my home country of Sudan.”
Read all the lyrics on Oddisee’s blog: http://oddiseemusic.blogspot.com
Oddisee Odd Seasons Deluxe Edition CD/VINYL/DIGI Out May 17th!!
Apollo Brown “The Times” ft. Oddisee
Apollo Brown “Clouds” CD.