NJWeedman Ignites the 4th of July with Special Hollywood Hills Hemp Mansion Party


Hollywood, CA – Celebrity cannabis culprit, Ed Forchion aka NJWeedman is planning to celebrate freedom and independence as only he can. In his continual quest to commemorate all things cannabis, NJWeedman will host a special Independence Day celebration in Hollywood with his Hollywood Hills Hemp Mansion Party. The spectacular will take off with a bang on Saturday, July 3 from 8:30 pm to 4:00 am. Fireworks will certainly explode as live music, dj’s, food, dance, libation and smoke all collide in a revelry of merriment while saluting this country’s basic tenets of liberty and justice for all.
Shuttle service and parking will be provided at 8560 Sunset Blvd in West Hollywood, and party revelers will be whisked away to a private hill top mansion location. Tickets can be purchased at www.GrooveTickets.com, with the keywords “Mansion Party” or by calling 323-798-4813. For additional details go to www.njweedmanpromotions.com . Proceeds from the evening’s celebration will go toward the “Free NJWeedman Legal Defense Fund” to assist with legal experts, travel and lawyer fees as Forchion is currently engaged in a battle with the state of New Jersey in his latest court case as he defends his right to smoke medical marijuana.

A self determined exile, activist and former political prisoner, Forchion relocated to sunny California just a few years ago to enjoy the benefits of the state’s more relaxed marijuana laws, per the passage of the Prop. 215 Compassionate Use Act of 1996 and SB420. Popularly recognized as the New Jersey Weedman,
Forchion’s dual residency between California and New Jersey has catapulted his celebrity status. A devout Rastafarian, Forchion owns and operates the Liberty Bell Temple, a Rastafarian religious temple, located at 5642 Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood, CA that provides medical marijuana to congregants and patients. He is also fighting a court case in New Jersey after being arrested there on April’s Fools Day for the possession of marijuana while on a trip to visit his family.

“America has long been heralded as the land of the free and home of the brave,” offers NJWeedman. “Independence Day holds a special significance for me. My Temple, the Liberty Bell Temple, was named to represent the basic concepts of democracy and faith. As I travel between the two coasts from east to west, I am able to observe the concepts in full contrast. On the west coast I am able to legally provide and partake in the practice of indulging medical marijuana. On the east coast I am fighting for my freedom, with a prison term hanging over my head. The concept of freedom is in total contrast from coast to coast. But I am grateful for the opportunity to explore and exploit the legal dualities and the Independence Day version of the Hollywood Hills Hemp party on July 3 will be a ringing celebration of the contradictions I am experiencing!”

NJWeedman will appear on Gary Garver Live on www.tantalk1340.com and Rockmetv.com on Tuesday, June 22 at 11:00 am EST.

To learn more about NJWeedman go to http://www.NJWeedman.com and to purchase his latest book, “Public Enemy 420” go to https://www.createspace.com/3425534.

For party information log on at http://www.NJWeedmanPromotions.com.
