Bluesman John Lee Hooker Jr. Drops New CD and Video – “Live in Istanbul, Turkey” CD and “Extramarital Affair” Video

San Francisco – There is something keenly energetic about a ‘live’ album. And when bluesman John Lee Hooker, Jr. shouts “Istanbul, are you ready for the blues?” at the onset of his newly released CD, “Live in Istanbul, Turkey” you can feel the electricity in the stadium. “Live in Istanbul, Turkey” on Hooker, Jr.’s own Steppin’ Stone Records and the European label Jazzhaus Records, proves to be yet another notch in the Grammy nominated artist’s belt. Hooker explodes with fiery intensity as he sets the audience on fire at the Efes Pilsen Blues Festival, proving that the blues are indeed an international language understood around the world.

John Lee Hooker. Jr. “Live in Istanbul, Turkey”

“Live in Istanbul, Turkey” showcases the son of the late iconic blues legend, John Lee Hooker, not only performing classics from his previously released albums, but also introducing three new songs as well. In addition, as the first blues artist to tap hip hop’s reach with animated music videos, the CD boast yet another addition to this legacy. The bonus video “Extramarital Affairs,” co-conceived and co-produced by Frenchman Laurent Mercier at the Callicore Animation Studios in Paris, captures, in vivid black and white, the torrid escapades of a background musician’s illicit affair with a mistress that Hooker Jr. calls “tales of the road.” “Extramarital Affair” is the third in a series of blues animations from Hooker, Jr. and Mercier.
John Lee Hooker Jr. “Extramarital Affair”

“One of the greatest and most exciting things that has ever happened in my career, was the blessed chance to go to Istanbul and perform in front of the wonderful Turkish people,” expresses Hooker, Jr. “To have done my very first live CD is of course, monumental, but to have performed and recorded in front of the greatest and most exciting crowd ever was surreal. I was and am overjoyed by this achievement!”

“Live In Istanbul, Turkey” is a treasure chest of gems. Hooker, Jr. and his band infuse their performances with the fuel generated from an audience of thousands of live fans. Tracks like “Suspicious,” “Maudie” and “Doin’ the Boogie” bust at the musical seams as the blues soar to magical funk-laden realms. The inclusion of new songs, “It’s a Shame,” “You Make My Life Brand New” and “They Hatin’ On Me” recorded at the Pajama Studio in Oakland, CA serve to extend the life of the CD’s party.

John Lee Hooker Jr. was born in Detroit “Motor” City with Delta blues-filled blood running through his Motown veins. As the son of the great John Lee Hooker, he was exposed to the life of the blues from a young age. Unfortunately, while living the “life of a bluesman” he succumbed to the demons that surround it, derailing his musical career for many, many years. Drugs, alcohol, divorce, incarceration, and near death almost brought his once promising career to a screeching halt. But it was living the blues and his faith in the Almighty that resurrected him.

Now from the gravely blues of the Detroit streets to a new era of sound; from the shadow of his father’s accomplishments to standing apart from his namesake; from criminal to animated blues video hero; from San Quentin Prison to the Red Carpet, and the United States to Turkey, John Lee Hooker Jr. keeps forging new ground with a deep-rooted sound. The blues are not only here to stay, but are being embraced around the world. “Live in Istanbul, Turkey” is his musical contribution to world peace as we all rock in unison!

Get on the blues train with John Lee Hooker, Jr. and also view “Extramarital Affair” at .