News/MP3: Little Brother Launches New Website + “Star”

For all the fans of Little Brother, there’s now something new to check on everyday besides personal Facebook accounts, MySpace pages, and Twitter handles. A website for Little Brother fans is now up and running, for everyone to post their own Little Brother tidbits, share their stories, and interact both with the group and fans of the group worldwide. “The site is a thank you. Come and be a part of the Little Brother experience by posting your stories, pictures, favorite songs, homemade videos put to Little Brother songs, and more. Interact with other fans of Little Brother from across the globe,” says Big Pooh. A Little Brother shopping trip is also available as the site includes new, official LeftBack shirts, GetBack shirts, CDs, and all kinds of Little Brother items. It’s a one-stop shop, or rather one-stop site, for all things Little Brother.

The Song:

News on Little Brother’s iTunes Bonus song, “Star,” has been much discussed over the weekend. Having heard from Phonte, here is Big Pooh’s take on the situation.

From Big Pooh:

“We decided to give that song to people for two reasons. First, the people have been asking for another 9th/Little Brother song since this is the last Little Brother album. We had intended for that song to be an iTunes bonus track but certain circumstances led us to leak it, which leads to the second reason: We got word late Friday from our distribution company that iTunes took the song down following a call from 9th or someone in his camp. I feel that if he didn’t want the song out then he could have easily contacted any one of us (Big Dho, Phonte, or myself) and explained his reasoning and the issue would have been dealt with accordingly. Instead we find out on some “oh yeah, I forgot to tell” type shit while trying to figure out other information. “Star” was recorded in 2005-2006 for use by 9th on his Wonder Years album that has yet to get a release date.

A lot of people have been asking and waiting for my response regarding the twitter outburst over the weekend. I posted a few statements via twitter myself, but, for the most part, I have chosen to remain silent. I have never believed in airing out business on the internet. I have tried to be as diplomatic as possible when answering questions about the situation in an effort to move on. Unfortunately, the same passion that people have had for Little Brother since we came on the scene in support of us is the same passion that fuels a lot of the extra back and forth between parties. You would have never witnessed what you did over the weekend if 9th actually spoke to us instead of speaking to you, the fans, via social network about the situation. Telling people, “You don’t know the REAL story,” and “It ain’t on me, they wanted me out the group,” and other comments of that nature does nothing but agitate the situation. It’s only so much you can take before you finally explode and ask, “Why not talk to me instead of talking to those who have nothing to do with our problems?”

Phonte and myself have always been made to look like the mean, jealous, bitter, former group members in the situation when that is far from the case. 9th has taken the “high road” because at the end of the day, there isn’t too much he can say if we really started throwing out the facts behind his departure from the group. We have issues that can and will only be worked out by us, if at all. Some of your outside input is appreciated but not necessary as we sort through this situation. At the end of the day it doesn’t help, it only adds fuel, regrettably. As always, we appreciate you support and thank you for listening.”

Listen to “Star”

Listen to “Curtain Call”

Little Brother Website:
