Lady Sovereign’s New Album Jigsaw Out Today


Lady Sovereign’s genre-breaking sophomore album Jigsaw is out today via her own label Midget Records, available at all major retailers and iTunes digitally (buy here). Already a success in her native UK, the single “So Human” charted in the top 40 on Sunday in the week prior to it’s official release on download sales alone – a huge success for the only truly independent label in the charts!

In addition, Lady Sovereign has landed the Pharell-endorsed live band Chester French and Chicago-based rapper Hollywood Holt, making this tour a promising showcase for new artists and Sovereign’s new music. More details on tour dates and album release events in NYC below.

Press on Jigsaw:
“On her second album, “Jigsaw,” the feisty rapper Lady Sovereign experiments with dancier beats, cleaner production and electronic vocals…the self-proclaimed biggest midget in the game is still going strong.” -BILLBOARD

“Sov lets her ponytail down as beats skip from electroclash to grime to dancehall, proving herself one hungry midget indeed.” – SPIN

Tour dates:
Fri/May-01 Toronto, ON Lee’s Palace
Sat/May-02 Montreal, QC Club Soda
Sun/May-03 Boston, MA Paradise Rock Club
Mon/May-05 NY, NY Highline Ballroom
Wed/May-06 Brooklyn, NY Music Hall of Williamsburg
Thu/May-07 Philadelphia, PA Church – Sanctuary
Sat/May-09 Washington DC 9:30 Club
Mon/May-11 Baltimore, MD Sonar Club Stage
Tue/May-12 Cleveland Heights, OH Grog Shop
Thu/May-14 Chicago, IL Metro
Fri/May-15 Milwaukee, WI The Rave Bar
Sat/May-16 Minneapolis, MN Fine Line Music Cafe
Mon/May-18 Denver, CO Bluebird Theater
Tue/May-19 Salt Lake City, UT Club Sound
Thu/May-21 Seattle, WA Crocodile Cafe
Fri/May-22 Vancouver, BC Richard’s On Richards Cabaret
Sat/May-23 Portland, OR Doug Fir Lounge
Sun/May-24 San Francisco, CA Popscene @ Rickshaw Stop
Tue/May-26 Los Angeles, CA El Rey Theatre
Thu/May-28 San Diego, CA House of Blues

NYC Release Events:
4/09/09 – Hot Topic @ Roosevelt Field (630 Old Country Rd, Garden City, NY)
6:00pm in-store signing, copies of JIGSAW available and exclusive new Lady Sovereign t-shirt designs

4/10/09 – Hot Topic @ Garden State Plaza (1228 Garden State Plaza, Paramus NY)
6:00pm in-store signing, copies of JIGSAW available and exclusive new Lady Sovereign t-shirt designs

4/11/09 – The Official Lady Sovereign Release Party @ Tribeca Grand
11pm doors
FREE w/ RSVP to with name and number of guests.
Upon arrival tell the door person you are on the GBH guestlist.
Lady Sovereign will be doing an abridged performance, but only a few songs.

For more info:
