Largest Aggregator of African American News Launches as – Includes Hip Hop News
As a veteran columnist and writer, Attorney A. Renee West, President of IEBB Media considers herself a true news junkie. So after years of scouring the web for fodder for her various commentaries and raves, West has announced the launch of Black News Agency Wire, ( ) the largest African American news aggregator on the web. More than the average news site, presents under one banner, the voices, thoughts and perspectives of hundreds of African American newspapers, editors, columnists, pundits, writers, bloggers and commentators.
Every day she and her staff sift over 500 sources for news and information for, about and pertaining to African Americans. Using software tailored for BNAW, headlines then post to the site in over 75 categories and are properly sourced. When the reader clicks the headline, they are taken to the source’s site.
A. Renee West “Imagine waking up every morning to your New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or the Miami Herald, and it’s expanded to include YOUR Black news, in a depth Google, Yahoo and Topix don’t. Better yet, if you’re a transplant, as many of us are, you can also read what’s going on ‘back home’ in Georgia, Michigan, or Texas. Politics, business, sports, technology, style, reviews, hip hop, and more, Black News Agency Wire is unlike anything else on the web for Black folks at this time,” explains West. “As an aggregator, we don’t compete with the other sites, we drive traffic to them. At you quickly find and source all your news, in one compact location; then click & read at the originator’s location. ”
Adds, Chris Fisher, a 10 year veteran senior news analyst, “The newspaper industry is suffering. A website like definitely services our industry, and in a needed demographic.”
A true labor of love, West has researched tirelessly for the past few years to create a site that meets the needs of the African American audience, especially in underserved areas such as hip-hop. “From my own personal experience and research, most hip hop web sites are designed to feature what’s hot, about to drop, the underground, and a place for readers to sound off. Only a few great sites have amazing articles, features, and news,” expresses West. “But for what’s out there plus using other sources, BNAW pulls it together to keep the hip hop connoisseur informed and in play.”
In addition to aggregating, the site showcases daily polls, a weekly pop news quiz, and a Black Talk Forum and Reader Comment section. Unique to the site is the citizen reporter section, UReportNewz, where readers can upload local and national headlines they find of particular concern. Outside of sites like CNN, MSNBC and Digg, BNAW is one of the few African American sites with this unique capability.
To celebrate the launch, West invited readers to enter the “Yes You Can, Name Our Tagline” contest, where visitors can win $150.00 by submitting the selected catch phrase that encompasses the essence of the site. Readers can also get some R&R at the site – register, then refer 50 friends and receive $25.00 cash.
“There is no greater time in the history of our country to have a national news site for African Americans. We were speaking before November 4th, but now, we are determining the conversation. BNAW is our vehicle for even greater change,” cites A. Renee’ West, president of IEBB Media and BNAW. “Yes we can, yes we did and yes – with BNAW we will continue to do so!”
About A. Renee West
A. Renee’ West is an attorney, and added the title columnist when her first article on Black women and personal ad dating was published in the Los Angeles Sentinel in the early 90’s. Since then she’s penned almost 100 columns covering current events, life moments, and humor.
A graduate of Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and Southwestern University School of Law, her readers find her “but did I lie,” demand for disclosure of media biases, and willingness to look at both sides of issues refreshing. Her ability to use her experiences to let others know ‘you’re normal, so you’re not alone,’ is a gift.
Ms. West describes herself as “comfortable in my skin.” ‘I”m glad to see through the crap and be unaffected by it 99% of the time,” she adds. “I’m a resident of Podunk, IL – although my soul still lives in New York.” And on making one really smart choice in her life – “To travel. I’ve lived in New York, LA, KC, Atlanta, Brussels, Salzberg, Europe. Spent weekends in Rome, Barcelona, Munich, and Paris. Of course Amsterdam. Travel not only teaches you who you are, it grows you into who you will be, while exposing you to a world that forever opens you to think, question, and formulate.”
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