Michelle Williams to Host New Episode of NewNowNext PopLab Wednesday, November 5 at midnight ET/P


Michelle Williams shows her love for her LGBT fans as she hosts a brand new episode of NewNowNext PopLab, the ultimate destination for up-and-coming party music in all its forms, this Wednesday night, November 5 at midnight ET/PT.

With her third solo album, Unexpected, in stores now, Michelle Williams showcases her new, pop-dance persona. In this one-hour episode, Michelle describes her brand new video, “The Greatest” as a “simple…sexy video” that “shows that girly side of me.” She also makes a point the video pays tribute to the everyday man: “We don’t appreciate the UPS man, although honey they are very fine, how can you overlook that man in that brown outfit?” Hello, Mr. Postman!

Be sure to check out tomorrow’s episode and learn things you never knew about Michelle. Did you know she was originally pre-med in college, turned criminal justice major? Learn her all about her guilty pleasures including watching Judge Judy re-runs and her loyal fandom to Whitney Houston.

Despite fame and her versatility, Michelle reminds viewers to “don’t forget where you come from.” She also reveals how humbled she is by her immediate acceptance from the LGBT community: “No one’s been judgmental, they’ve been accepting, and I really, really, really appreciate that…I thank you, I love you, and I’m going to continue putting out more music and videos for you.”

Go to NewNowNext.com for more about tomorrow night’s episode of NewNowNext PopLab and for more information on Michelle Williams, please log on to www.michellewilliamsonline.com.

Be sure to check out Michelle Williams host a brand new episode of NewNowNext PopLab with the broadcast premiere of her new video, “The Greatest” this Wednesday night at midnight ET/PT.
