Mo’Nique, Let’s Talk, Let’s Test Foundation to Host Town Hall Meeting…



CHICAGO (Sept. 11, 2007) – Demonstrating her passion to help end the HIV/AIDS crisis in the Black community, television and film star Mo’Nique will host “Fight 4 Life,” a town hall meeting Sunday, September 16 at 3 p.m. at Chicago State University.

Lloyd Kelly, executive director of the Let’s Talk, Let’s Test Foundation and Dr. William Johnson, executive director of the Luck Care Center, will join Mo’Nique at CSU’s Douglas Library Auditorium for this open and honest discussion on HIV/AIDS.

Mo’Nique is the host of “Showtime at the Apollo,” the “BET Awards” and “Mo’Nique’s Fat Chance.”

“Mo’nique is well known and well respected in the Black community and she should be commended for her commitment to ending HIV/AIDS in our community,” said Kelly. “She keeps it real. Our hope is that this discussion will get people to understand that this disease is killing our community.”

The Let’s Talk, Let’s Test Foundation and the Chicago Department of Public Health are sponsoring the free event, which is open to the public.

The Let’s Talk, Let’s Test Foundation is dedicated to increasing awareness about the HIV/AIDS crisis in the Black community and has signed on to the National Call and Commitment to end the disease by 2012.

The call charges Black America:

· To develop a national commitment to reduce HIV rates by 50 percent during the next five years.

· To double the number of people who know their HIV status.

· To ensure that HIV-positive people are in appropriate treatment.

“This is a disease, not a disgrace. The stigma of HIV/AIDS is holding the African-American community back. We have turned this into a disease of sexuality instead of a sexually transmitted disease.”
